Quetzel, Unsafe. v1

Shannon.L 117

Probably been done before, but - without looking at inspiration, here's my first take on this idea.

The goal of this deck is a flat-out mill: I want to put twenty cards (or more) into archives, then smack archives for the win. To do that, the deck basically runs three milling engines:

1) Eater + Keyhole is classic. Eat your way into R&D, mill a card, force a shuffle. This is the early game mill, used when R&D is weakly defended and/or Quetzel's ability is allowing free runs into R&D.

Late game, this gets boosts from Paintbrush and Surfer, which allow quetzel to 'paint' the outermost ice, surf it down to the bottom, likely crack it for low or free, and mill away.

2) Data Link Reversal + Paparazzi + Wireless net pavillion.

Mid game, this is designed to make the corp waste money on breaking the combo, while I put cards in R&D. I don't expect to get more than a turn or two, so I hope to make them count. Blast all clicks into dumping cards until the corp does something about it.

It improves when Akshara Sareen drops, giving me yet another click to mill a card, or to fix the combo when the corp breaks it.

3) Demolition Run + Medium + Hivemind.

This is the late game mill - hopefully, the corp has been so worried about the keyhole they're not sweating the obviously useless medium. However..

Paintbrush + Surfer should be out. This opens opportunities - and when that opportunity is perfect? Virus Breeding Ground over to Hivemind, run demolition run, surf down for a normal break, and /foom/. Ten cards to the hopper, or more, if done well.

Hades shard is in for the necessity.

V2 will probably replace something for Crypsis to make this easier - but, right now? I'm not sure what will underperform.

Weaknesses? The deck needs LOTS of clicks, and will eventually tag itself. Stim Dealer may be a likely include to help with the clicks problem, as hand size isn't much of a worry.

you're going all out - might as well burn up your brain doing it, right?