SHL FInals - Making an Entrance Whiz

rojazu 1339

Standard Dumblefork with Making an Entrance to give it consistency much like the way Inject functions in Noise. This card does some serious work in the games when you really need it - which are the games you lose with whiz. With this card you can pretty much guarantee to have your engine up by turn 3 or so and after that its very hard to lose. It also means you can afford to run 1-ofs on some key cards like Turntable as you can probably find them when you need them. A few other notes - employee strike is decent but not better than a clone chip and really a waste of slots. Its an econ denial card for the most part and whiz is pretty good at that already. Currently its a little bit light on econ I would probably add 1 dirty laundry into this list.

In the SHL finals, it felt totally dominant, my version went 2-1 in the finals, the loss coming from running through swordsman multiple times and my piloting more than anything else. Everyone played whiz in the finals this deck and its variants are currently GOD tier. Have fun!