Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 2.0

Diegofsv 1368

This is the last iteration of a deck I made back then called Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. The old deck used the early agression of Adam: Compulsive Hacker to build a slow and more controlled rig where you created a lot of credits for late game runs. It worked fine, but this version is way more faster, agressive and mean. Lets do a little breakdown

Card Choices

"Freedom Through Equality" - Thats a great card to buff Brain Chip, specially against decks full of 1 ofs.

Sports Hopper - Just plain great, and helps a lot with GS Shrike M2 and ZU.13 Key Master when needed.

Plascrete Carapace and Overmind are for desperate times. You can remove them and Symmetrical Visage for copies of the directives, if you are getting tagged and is losing your directives.

The rest is pretty self-explanatory I guess. This deck starts out agressive using Always Be Running and Neutralize All Threats to early HQ pressure. DO NOT GO FOR A PROTECTED R&D. When things starts to settle and Safety First is always buying cards, start the Snitch engine with Au Revoir and The Turning Wheel on R&D. Keep running, stay rich, don't be afraid and win the game.

Hope you guys like it, feedback is appreciated

TL;DR - Hammer HQ - Snitch R&D - Turn The Wheel FTW

11 Jun 2016 michaeln