Modified Sunny

Decksmith 212

Krakens just funny, beckmans great with medium, altho there are alot of decks running tags atm.

18 Jun 2016 kyrubas

Maybe a New Angeles City Hall for those tags that will surly drive Rachel and perhaps a Film Critic or two to keep that city hall on your side.

18 Jun 2016 Decksmith

@kyrubasThat is a fantastic idea

18 Jun 2016 Pinkwarrior

@Decksmith why 3x Dyson Mem Chip your not using all the MU you have anyway whats the point in getting more surely Sports Hopper would be better if you have it or even Access to Globalsec i think 3x Rachel Beckman is alittle much she is 8c to put down think id trade 1 for an extra Drug Dealer personally.

18 Jun 2016 Decksmith

@PinkwarriorWell, sports hopper is a good idea, ill fix that now