Drippy Nero (1st Place GNK)

torien7 25

This deck got 1st place at a tiny Colorado GNK tourney with only 4 players. Nevertheless, it's the first tournament I've won so I wanted to publish!

The deck, I think, is pretty straightforward and simple. It's definitely not perfect and is maybe a little slow, but is pretty easy to play and "comfortable". All you have to do is set up some drip econ, draw your breakers, and use Turning Wheel + Legwork to finish the game.

The deck was undefeated after 3 rounds of swiss (too many for 4 people, I think?) which were Harmony Medtech, Argus Security, and Replicating Perfection.

Corp deck also went undefeated, but it's a nearly card-for-card copy of the CodeMarvelous JARVIS deck so, yeah, pretty good!

26 Jun 2016 HolyMackerel

Honestly, I'm not too sure about Reflection in this deck. I might want to switch it for Forger as cheaper link and kill-protection. I know it's heresy to remove a runner from their signature console, but it might be good here.

Other than that, tight list! How much kill is there in your meta? Seems like the only poor matchup.

26 Jun 2016 esutter479

Legwork is good, but with Seminars in there, I'd much rather use Information Sifting. That card seems wicked evil if done at the right time. >:)

26 Jun 2016 torien7

@pang4 I definitely think trading Reflection out for Forger is reasonable. The MU that Reflection gives is great but this particular deck doesn't need it, UNLESS you have all 3 non-cloud breakers installed (so I guess you could trade Gordian for ZU to help that). Future versions should probably have Forger, even though Forger isn't a monocle. Thanks for the suggestion!

There is a decent amount of kill and Forger would be good for that, too. The match I played against Argus at this tourney was definitely the most stressful and demanding of the bunch.

@esutter479 I totally forgot about Information Sifting since it feels like it just released! I definitely want to play with it but it hadn't occurred to me at the time. :) Seems like it makes hard decisions for both players.

26 Jun 2016 HolyMackerel

Also, a couple of Same Old Thing wouldn't be amiss in this deck, to help recur Siphons and HQ pressure.

26 Jun 2016 Greasythumb

Do you find Nero does enough work? Have you tried the same in e.g. Andy and missed the ability?

26 Jun 2016 torien7

@pang4 Agreed, I was definitely missing SoT on the day; I'm just not sure what to remove to slot it in.

@Greasythumb While I don't know if Nero is necessarily 'good', his ability does enable you to play a little more recklessly, which I tend to do anyway. While his ability only got used maybe 2 or 3 times in the 3 games he was involved in, I think there's an intangible benefit that's hard to see that is going on in the corp's head, where they're wondering whether to even rez certain sentries since Nero can just facecheck that Archer and go 'K, I'm leaving'.