Heard you like icing

Decksmith 234

No ice for you. Tax them. They rez ice its more expensive, or the ice they rezzed dies from amok/cyber. Then they cant put it back. Fast advancing? Think again. Everything is more expensive for the corp. Drain them with lampreys. They ice? you trash.

Anyway, im aware this deck is complete trash, and am just publishing a concept, that concept being Unscheduled+Xanadu+reina+ice killing runs.

Inspired you? Lets see if you can build on this concept. Reply with your decklists linked!

27 Jun 2016 x3r0h0ur

Wait, whats the synergy of amok/cyber? Cyber doesn't have anything to do with ice destruction.

27 Jun 2016 Decksmith

@x3r0h0ur You either make them pay for a rez, or you get a free run.