
InsetoVermelho 113


In Portuguese-Brazilian

O lance é dar 7 pontos instantâneos ou aguardar o roubo de agenda para dar punitive. Proteja Mumbad Construction Co. E aguarde juntar dinheiro. Método de Score:

  • Deixe Vanity virado no blefe. (tem uma nota sobre isso.)
  • 8 marcadores em Mumbad Construction Co.
  • Instale Hollywood Renovation (1 click)
  • Transfira 6 marcadores do Mumbad Co para a Agenda Hollywood (0 clicks - 12 créditos). *Avança 2x Hollywood (2 clicks = total de 3 clicks). *Avança 4 marcadores do Hollywood no Vanity de blefe.
  • Transfira os últimos 2 marcadores do Mumbad Co. Para Vanity.
  • Se tiver clot, utilize os cyberdex.
  • Score as duas agendas (7 points).

Nota sobre Vanity.

  • Tenha 2x Punitive na mão ou 1x Punitive e 1x Consulting Visit + Créditos.
  • Faça o Runner ficar dando trash nos seus assets para abaixar os créditos dele.
  • Controle o jogo com Corporate Town, Elizabeth Mills e Public Support.


  • Instale Mumbad City Hall.
  • Puxe os Mumble Temple e Museu com City Hall.
  • Puxe os Hostile Infrastructure com Tech Startup.
  • Puxe os Commercial Bankers Group depois.
  • Proteja bem seus servidores centrais com Hive e Tour Guide.
  • Proteja o servidor remoto do mumbad construction co ou corporate town com 1x Hive ou Tour Guide e os Quandary.

É um jogo muito longo, tipo 40 minutos + para vencer. Mas vale a pena e é muito divertido.

Piores inimigos:

  • Plascrete Carapace.
  • Desperado
  • Sports Hopper
  • Whizzard
8 Jul 2016 lunchmoney

And in English, via Google translate:

The bid is to snapshots 7 points or wait for the schedule theft to give punitive. Protect Mumbad Construction Co. And wait save money. Score method:

Let Vanity facing the bluff. (Has a note on it.) 8 markers in Mumbad Construction Co. Install Hollywood Renovation (1 click) Transfer 6 Mumbad Co markers for Hollywood Calendar (0 clicks - 12 credits). * Advances 2x Hollywood (2 clicks = total 3 clicks). * Advances 4 markers in Hollywood bluff Vanity. Transfer the last 2 markers Mumbad Co. For Vanity. If you clot, use the cyberdex. Score the two agendas (7 points). Note on Vanity.

Punitive has 2x in the hand or Punitive 1x and 1x Consulting Visit + credits. Make Runner stay giving trash in their assets to lower his claims. Control the game with Corporate Town, Elizabeth Mills and Public Support. Strategy:

Install Mumbad City Hall. Pull the Mumble Temple and Museum with City Hall. Pull the Hostile Infrastructure with Tech Startup. Pull the Commercial Bankers Group later. Protect well your central servers with Hive and Tour Guide. Protect remote server mumbad construction co or corporate town with 1x Hive or Tour Guide and Quandary. It is a very long game, type + 40 minutes to win. But it's worth and it's great fun.

Worst enemies:

Plascrete Carapace. Desperado Sports Hopper Whizzard

8 Jul 2016 HiggsBozo

From this description, it looks like you might've forgot the face-up cards restriction on Mumbad Construction Co.