Prepaid destruction prototype (MWL 1.1.1)

poorhaus 412

Exploring new Maxx archetypes post Aug 2016 MWL.

The idea here is to get set up ASAP then Wanton, Vamp, and Keyhole to victory, all the while building up Turning Wheel for a deep dig in case Archives doesn't have 7 points.

Making an Entrance is killer for this- the first run thru your deck you're mostly trashing non-faust, non-prepaid, non-econ/draw cards (depending on what you need). Don't be afraid to trash any cards that you won't want in the next 2 turns- the draw is that fast. Most programs can go in the bin early to be Retrieved or Deja'd later. Burn Injects and IHWs the first time thru as much as you can. Land an early Wanton if you can and keep HQ ice destroyed with some cutlery. Try to install public sympathy or Braincage if you can so you can be more aggressive with draw. Levy #1 recharges you for more Wantons and keyholes. Turning Wheel is juicing up all along, allowing the power turns you need to win before they kill you/score out. During that 1st Levy or perhaps your 2nd one try to get rich with Prepaid and Vamp them, then Retrieval a Keyhole and go to town. One art to playing this deck is knowing what to Deja Vu when since you have some key one ofs. But your Injects and IHWs can often keep key pieces out of your heap the first time thru.

The hand size manipulation is to help power faust without Wyldside- it lets you charge up with Inject or IHW. It may not be the best solution but seems OK. Public Sympathy and Braincage together are pretty good scorch protection, as is your massive Econ. Try to score when rich if you suspect Midseasons, or build up for the one turn win.

There're no extra clicks in here, which are obviously good with both keyhole and Wanton. That could be an addition, but this is mostly an exploration of the core engine of breakers, draw and win condition.

Yog's the Turing on centrals solution. Otherwise it will likely not get installed.

Pre MWL 1.1.1 I was able to include some Lucky Finds. Those became Day Jobs and Dirty Laundrys to free up influence.

This is way different from Fear Them Asses but I was inspired and imported some ideas so thx to @x3r0h0ur.