Control the Runner

Xanshi 199

Everybody is doing NBN: Controlling the Message, might as well post mine post MWL. Basically my version of the deck is derived from a player whom i played against during our regionals. Obviously, his is more powerful with Breaking News still influence free. I tweaked the deck to make it legal for MWL.

So basically the deck is a tag punishment deck. The key to this deck is obviously Mumbad City Hall. It allows me to fetch my Mumba Temple and Museum of History. But more importantly it allows me to get Consulting Visit.

Consulting Visit is a god send card for deck that rely heavily on operations. All you need is the runner to get tag and Consulting Visit allows to get any tag punishment. It's the sole reason why i don't run multiple copies of operation in the deck.

Because i run a single copy of operation. Clone Suffrage Movement is a must have in the deck. Early in the game, it allows me to reuse Sweeps Week every turn until Diversified Portfolio is far more profitable card. It can fetch me Consulting Visit back and keep churning out my control operation. But more importantly it allows to spam Closed Accounts keeping runner poor to do anything damaging to you.

Keeping the runner poor is the ideal situation to dissuade the runner from attacking your central servers. When they have to deal with Resistor or Pop-up Window. You can swap the ice for a Tollbooth or Wraparound. I just prefer inexpensive ice in order not to lose some tempo.

When the runner realized how annoying Clone Suffrage Movement is. They will always want to trash it. This is the reason why i have Museum of History in the deck. The deck simply relies too much on recurring my operations back. I added Hades Fragment to supplement my recursion with Museum of History.

And when you lock your opponent. start scoring your agendas with Psychographics.

Salem's Hospitality is there to removing annoying cards from the runner's grip. Mostly i use it on Account Siphon, Levy and the upcoming Rumor Mill.

Manhunt is also for Rumor Mill.

Thanks for reading this. I hope you enjoy the deck.