Operations Sync - 12th Place NA Champs (6-3)

JuneCuervo 2587

This is the Corp deck I played at NA Champs at Gencon. I expected people would play Whizz with Slums against the new CtM hotness, so I decided to not go for asset play. In hindsight, I think I'd play second Enigma over the Turnpike, just because EtR ice is very good when they go tag me.

I would also cut ASI or Bernice Mai for the second Closed Accounts. CA is actually the best card in the deck against Whizzard, since their best line of play against you is to money up and never run until they can do huge medium digs.

You can play Celebrity Gift over the BlCs and AM, but I think this configuration is better if you want to rush. In your bad matchups, going fast is pretty much the best way to win, and BLC helps with that. Celebrity Gift is stronger in matchups that are already good for you.

I click for Credits a lot in this deck, and look for Operation Econ + 1 Ice in openers in basically every matchup. I lost to two Whizzards (beating several others.) and Kate with multiple Indexing. I beat Geist Cameras, Hayley Cameras, Mihn Maxx, Prepaid Kate, Siphon/Eater Null, and Nexus Kate.
