The Meat-Cute

Walker Net Ranger 139

Currently untested, the idea here is to keep pressure on the Runner's grip size with constant pings through cards such as the ID effect, Housekeeping, Hokusai Grid, Prisec.

Go for the kill if the Runner hand size dips to critical by using the Neural EMP and Punitive Counterstrike (the latter of which has recently gained an errata boost with Global Food Initiative).

Like all 40-card ID's I think the deck will probably get stomped by Siphon spam, it might have to drop something to slot in some tech against that. A couple ideas for this would be Targeted Marketing (although this could be a non-bo with Housekeeping), Dedicated Response Team, or of course a good old fashioned Crisium Grid.

Thoughts and input are welcome!

23 Aug 2016 Walker Net Ranger

I think this idea needs to be shelved until and if Levy AR is not so prominent in the meta. Probably better off plying Snare! with your influence here.

And after having played a game where both Punitive Counterstrike draws happened two turns after the runner was at 6 points, I was convinced never to err from the path of Scorched Earth. Scorch is the way.