Wanton Woman

Lttlefoot 1285

Install Woman in the Red Dress. Whenever the corp draws an agenda, crack your Hyperdriver, then trash their whole hand with Wanton Destruction. Then you can play Freedom Through Equality and grab the agenda out of archives. Planned Assault / Same Old Thing count as extra Wantons, but you can also use Planned to grab Indexing for some R&D pressure and another way to score Freedom Through Equality.

1 Sep 2016 aermet69

Great idea.

1 Sep 2016 mustangstorm224

I like the idea for sure. I just gave it a spin, actually. You have no way past a STR 4 or higher Sentry that ends the run. For example, I got locked out of three servers because of a News Hound. Just something to think about!

1 Sep 2016 x3r0h0ur

equivocation could be really good in this.

1 Sep 2016 Lttlefoot

Sentries don't usually end the run. Most can be handled by spending creds, clicking through, deus ex / sharpshooter, or just letting them hit you. You managed to play against the one ice in the game that would give this breaker suite trouble; I guess you can add an Atman to the deck to deal with it.

1 Sep 2016 Trusman


1 Sep 2016 ANRguybrush

Ridiculous, but I like it.

2 Sep 2016 Elodius

Awesome !