HB Classy (1st place Spanish Nationals)

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This the corp deck piloted by David "Jaz" García to 1st place on Spanish Nationals. Played against several Valencias, and one Andy. Only defeated against the runner-up's Valencia, on winners final, because of a very nasty agenda flood.

Classy HB taxing bioroid stuff, waiting for proper window to score under a heavy remote, aided by Biotic, also used as finisher. Meta calls in this one were the 2 Executive Boot Camps, expecting a heavy Val field, and some one-trick decks.

Some commentary on the card choices and matchups coming soon on our website, again, only in spanish. Feel free to ask anything.

29 Sep 2016 Gaxeco

Va sobrado hasta de influencia JAJAJA

29 Sep 2016 ClubbingSealCub

Why only one Architect, especially when you've got one spare influence? Did Vanilla pull work? Wouldn't you rather have more Turings? Also, a link to the website would be appreciated.

1 Oct 2016 aakroma


Bat clan Web (spanish) www.batclan.es

Tournament YT www.youtube.com