Senior Citizen Keung

Buppu2099 54

Old Man

First try at a Keun deck. Standard Anarch suite, because Anarch has the best toys anyway. All the cutlery to work through any type of ice. The aim is to lighten up the Ice on the centrals and hit the honeypot with Medium or Legwork.

No resources, because tags will be floated like so many flower-petals on a pond.

11 Oct 2016 FarCryFromHuman

Chop Bot doesn't seem worth it here. You don't have anything you really want to feed to it. Why not Inject?

Money also seems like a problem. You've got six econ events and PPvP (which is something, but you still have to pay for it), which doesn't seem like enough. Maybe trade one or two Legworks for Temüjin Contracts. I know it's a resource but it is a finite one. You can use it up before the corp gets much benefit from trashing it.

12 Oct 2016 Buppu2099

Thanks for taking the time to write a comment.

I do agree the economy was ludicrously thin. Perhaps it was a thinly veiled statement about the poverty most of the elderly have to suffer nowadays. ;-)

I like your suggestion of Inject and Temüjin Contracts. Added for the next version.