Boom or Bust

Lttlefoot 1285

This deck has only one thing on its mind: leaving an advanced breaking news on the table during the runner's turn, then casting boom on your turn. There are heaps of tutors: AggNeg can get Boom on the turn you cast it, Fast Track can get BN, and Consulting Visitcan get either Boom or Fast Track. The ICE is designed to keep the runner out, and Old Hollywood Grid can protect against one-shot cards like Inside Job. Salems and Enforcing Loyalty can target breakers to keep the runner out, or meat defence cards. The hard thing with this deck is having enough credits - you usually want a hedge or sweeps on your opening hand.

13 Oct 2016 DarkMite2

Have you considered 24/7 News Cycle? You can score any Breaking News without having to leave it on the table or as soon as you Mandatory draw it. Then it is just a matter of just waiting for the right moment to play 24/7 News Cycle and BOOM! Maybe switch out -3x Salem's Hospitality for +3x 24/7 News Cycle. Good Luck.

13 Oct 2016 Lttlefoot

That's a good combo, but you can't use the tutors that way because you need the extra click for 24/7. Also means you have to score two agendas which takes longer.