Rage Angrily, Lemon Sour Salty Blossoms

Kudasai 11

Make everyone hate you and want to quit netrunner by making an op as f*** list that nobody likes playing against and giving it a stupid name to boot. And net damage to your net damage so you can net damage while you net damage. Don't bother scoring agendas. You can win with MINDGAMES. Mind games like doing lots of net damage! Slowly infest the meta with decks just like it and eventually RULE THE WORLD.

1 Nov 2016 HolyMackerel

How do you beat Feedback Filter and a solid breaker suite? Seems like kind of a one-trick pony in my eyes.

4 Nov 2016 Kitescreech

At $3 per net damage I think feedback filter will bankrupt the runner pretty quickly.