Total Stealth

Kaethela 22

Stealth is finally viable! Yay!

The basics are pretty simple. Get your breakers out as well as at least one Cloak and go to town. SMCs are there to tutor out whatever you need. Net Mercur is super good and should be played as soon as you possibly can. Let's go through and break down some of the card choices.

Breaker Suite: Dagger and Refractor for cheap and effective. Blackstone because it's the only stealth fractor worth playing, and while a tad on the pricy side it keeps its strength through the whole run, and you should have enough credits to use it whenever.

Net Ready Eyes / Ice Carver: Between the two, this helps you get around the common problem of stealth breakers - being just one short of being able to break that ice. If you have both down, this should never be a problem for you.

Mirror: +2 MU is super nice when you're running this many programs, and getting a recurring credit back for each R&D run is a great bonus. You're playing Shaper, you're going to get into R&D a lot.

Employee Strike / Rumor Mill: 4 currents is a tad high, yes, but there are an awful lot of corp currents these days. Worst case scenario, you turn off their current. Best case, you blank out Jackson or Jeeves or something else you don't want to deal with.

Once Martial Law comes out, swap one of the Cloaks for Misdirection. This helps the matchup against tag-heavy decks. Enjoy being able to break into servers you have no business getting into!

17 Nov 2016 dawspawn

Do you feel like you have enough economy? Daily Casts/Kati is a good combo but can be slow and is vulnerable to resource trashing. My initial thought might be to go -1 Clone Chip -1 Turning Wheel -1 Rumor Mill and +2 Temüjin Contract or Lucky Find and +1 Sacrificial Construct.

17 Nov 2016 Kaethela

@dawspawnSo far I haven't had any economy issues, though it can be a bit slow out of the gate. The roughest part is the initial setup - once you've got Net Mercur, some recurring stealth and your breakers out you're pretty much set. Might try out Temüjin Contract at some point, but for now it feels like it's in a good place.