Witchy Woman

barelytoned 58

Baba Yaga and Stealth credits seem a natural match. Smoke's lower deck size and tutors help to find Baba Yaga early since there's an intense sequencing problem. With 4 memory, Baba Yaga holds Switchblade, Yog, and Inti. With Mirror or Leprechaun you can expand with Cloak and Opus. The whole combo is very brittle and isn't well-suited to the current tagstorm meta, but I suspect there's a very fun deck here. It gets hit by almost every non-ICE silver bullet and doesn't have the influence to pack many answers of its own. Regardless, it does feel good when you sit down across any deck that wants to build a remote.

9 Dec 2016 FarCryFromHuman

You could go down to one Yog.0 and one Switchblade and take a couple more Clone Chips. With 3x SMC, 3x CC and a 40 card deck I don't think you'll struggle finding the singletons.

I'd also highly recommend a few Sacrificial Constructs, and I'd take Akamatsu Mem Chips over Leprechauns. I could be wrong, but I don't think Leprechaun gives you free for any of the programs on Baba Yaga.

9 Dec 2016 barelytoned

You're correct on that account. Hosting is not transitive. The main reason I went for Leprechaun initially was the ability to store SMC and Opus with just finding one card instead of 2 Memchips, plus I can tutor it with SMC.

I considered Sacrificial Construct and I think it trades for Modded because I can't see cutting much of anything else, but you're swapping speed for safety.