Nexus Kate DLR (2nd @ Phoenix Games)

J-Flex 211

The top 4 at a small Store Champs finished on identical results so we had to draw lots and I drew 2nd.

Fairly standard Nexus Kate build but with the added spice of John Massanori, Citadel Sanctuary and DLR as an alternative win con. If the Corp makes things difficult, or its a spiky Jinteki, then you can always bounce off an ice 1st click to take a John tag and then mill 3 cards, 4 if you've got an extra click from Beth and then remove the tag at the end of your turn with Citadel. In the end I didn't need to use the DLR with wins coming from the more standard R+D Lock and Remote sniping.

The Deck went 2-1 on the day, the loss being a narrow loss to CtM which interestingly the deck is teched most against.