Success (City) Grid

DrMarodi 320

Inspired by SillySod's ETF is better deck. I wanted to utilize the bigger influence here. Get money; build a monster HQ; have a bigger handsize with Cybernetics court (I wanted to try this cards a while now). There is a nice synergy between Breaker Bay Grid and Off the Grid and Friends in high places just makes it even more juicy.

Any ideas?

22 Dec 2016 vor_lord

A handsize corp deck, in HB, without IQ?

I also feel Marked Accounts isn't worth spending influence on, get the third Adonis Campaign and PAD Campaign, spend the influence elsewhere.

22 Dec 2016 DrMarodi

@vor_lord: you are maybe right with the inclusion of IQ. My intention with Cybernetics court is to have bigger breathing room while building up the grids, also a single HQ might not reck me in mid/late-game. I included Marked Accounts because I wanted an-expensive-to-thrash econ that i don't need to defend with any ICE, I need everything to make HQ threatening.

THX for the suggestions! I will test out your ideas.