
aloobyalordant 145

Three things inspired this deck:

  1. The realisation that Equivocation is B.A.N.A.N.A.S and it only gets better when you add Maya to the mix.
  2. Playing a particularly rough game against Making News and thinking "hmm, maybe I should try Jesminder".
  3. Hearing Damon Stone explaining on Run Last Click that CtM's tag is unpreventable because in testing, Jesminder with Maya was dominant. Which means there is a parallel world in which everyone is playing Jesminder, and OMG that's the world I want to live in let's try and get there.

Anyway, this deck is basically an Equivocation delivery system. Your aim is to make multiple runs on R&D a turn, seeing as many cards as possible before the Corp forces you to go and find more breakers. To that end, we run a combination of A. Big breakers like Morning Star, Femme, Atman that get you through ice very efficiently once installed, and B. Tricks like Test Run / Scavenge / Code Siphon to get those big breakers out quickly and for cheap.

Magnum Opus can help get those big breakers out when you've run out of tricks, but is primarily there to deal with Hard-Hitting News and Midseason Replacements. Net Mercur is shoehorned into this deck purely for its role as pseudo-bad pub. Between that, Cloak and a Temüjin Contract on R&D, it should be a while before R&D gets too taxing.

This deck went undefeated at a recent store champ against CtM, Jemison, Making News and PE (my Corp deck dropped all but one of its games), and went 1-1 in testing beforehand. That's not a very big sample size, and certainly there's lots of room for improvement (MU in particular can be an issue). But I'm feeling pretty happy with this deck.