Choose Your Own Adventure

funnyways3 943

Welcome to my show! This obnoxious monstrosity is more than anything a race to the finish line...and you have a lot of ways to get there faster. Turtle games in Jinteki tend to be hit or miss: Either you hit 'em or you missed 'em.

Here, it's a win-win:
- Turtling up multiple agendas with a Franchise City (especially fun on game point! Yay card timing...spoilers: they access agenda, you score Franchise for the win before they steal. It's cute.)
- Handing over a 1-pointer so you can "Clones are not People"-Advance-Advance your other 1-pointer
- Watching a pointless Bandwidth become Keegan Lane fodder or a Kitsune into a Quantum Predictive Model then get Sub Boosted to become a free 0-5 ETR.

There are plenty of other weird ways to psych out your opponent, which you will come up with as you stare at an opening hand with 3 agendas and say confidently "yeah, I can work with this." Yes, Employee Strike is a thing as is Film Critic, but so are 2-1 agendas, 2 currents of your own and MCA Informant.

For those of you saying "but where's the Scorched Earth? Where's the BOOM!?" You're boring people and you make me sad. This is a trip to theater! (I know the doors that opens up, let's not be jerks, shall we?)

This deck has about an 80-85% win rate, a variation did place high in a 25-man Store Champ last year and no matter, this thing is hilariously fun (and difficult) to play. So give it a go! Share your stories with the world!