Transhuman Dedication (Rotation Ready)

Selucian 24

Here's my go at Kit and its ready for cycle rotation (perhaps a bit ambitious considering there are 2 more data packs to come...). It is by no means a tier 1 deck but I've been having fun with it. I am eager for input as I come from a 2 person meta and play a little bit on here and there. The description is pretty verbose but I am looking for feedback and thoughts so thanks ahead to anyone who makes it through and comments (and to those who don't but give the decklist a look).

Dedicated Processor and Yog.0 are the bread and butter of this deck. You can go through almost every single Code Gate for 2. Combine that with Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman's ability and the first piece of ice you see is most likely free or 2-4 at most. Once you have those first few pieces of ice rezzed and you start seeing servers 2 deep, that is where Egret comes in. Mimic and Inti also greatly benefit from Dedicated Processor and are in to help manage deeper servers and elsewhere committed Egrets.

The economy package of this deck is essentially Magnum Opus. I used to have Modded in this deck but found I typically ended up using Self-modifying Code much more frequently. Daily Casts and Sure Gambles cover the gap while you're getting that Magnum Opus up and running.

Film Critic, Misdirection and Guru Davinder keep you alive. When the MCA Informant comes around you just have to deal with it but that is why there are 2 Film Critics. This area was tricky for me with things like New Angeles City Hall and Plascrete Carapace (among other cards) rotating out. Aaron Marrón would be great but 10 influence doesn't leave much room.

The deck's multi access can be found in The Maker's Eyes. This is an area where I have been tinkering, trying to find the sweet spot. I have dabbled with putting 2 R&D Interfaces instead of the The Maker's Eyes but the tempo/wallet hit seems to be pretty prohibitive if you want to live (avoid that Hard-Hitting News etc.).

Pretty traditional Netrunner stuff. See some ice, run at said ice, go through the ice, see stuff and carry on.