Criminal (Core Set Only)

srt8 2

Just started playing the game and wanted some feedback on what you guys think of my current deck as the runner.

13 Jul 2017 TokaysAX

You don't need to worry about the star influence costs. They are only used for competitive play and are only "relevant" when playing with the complete Netrunner card pool. You can change the legality setting for the deck in the dropdown box above the save button when editing your deck.

This means that you have 3 unspent influence! You could squeeze in a second parasite for example. You could also consider putting in Akamatsu Mem Chip since you will eventually run out of memory with the datasuckers, parasites and sneakdoor in addition to your icebreakers.

Access to Globalsec is a situational, low-impact card and overlaps slightly with Crash Space in function within the core set. I would say that it is the first card to cut.

Tollbooth might be a problem if you don't have a Parasite available. You would need 2 datasucker tokens per encounter with tollbooth to pass it with Yog which can be expensive to charge up if all central servers have Ice on them. Femme Fatale deals well with it in the long run but doesnt work very well as a quick answer since it costs 9 to install.

Have fun! :)

13 Jul 2017 srt8

@TokaysAXX Thank you so much for the advice! I was wondering, how would you structure a corp deck (from core set) to face this deck? I've had some trouble with this, as mimic/yog/corroder appear to be really strong against pretty much any low-to-medium cost ice. My best bet has been a bustling-economy, glacier style deck (maybe with HB), what are your thoughts?