[Running Solo] You're alone? Good! I have something for ya.

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I made this for Running Solo Variant.

So don't bother the Operation or Asset much.

because the real weapon of this variant is the ICE.

Now. Let's test this OP boss deck. WOOHOO !

29 Jul 2017 HyenaMars

How are you ever gonna pay for all that ICE? :o

30 Jul 2017 2621

Like I said, this deck is made for "Running Solo Variant".


You pick any of your runner deck and fight against The Simulation Dice-Roll Corp.

I typically play this variant at home, and I found that I can win easily when I fight against the Normal Corp Deck.

So I decided to make this up. For harder gameplay experience :D

In this variant the corp have infinite credits. So don't worry about rez cost.

Have fun!

1 Aug 2017 M4n0

Wow, i didn't know you could do that. Nice! I'm realky interested in how the match-up went. Please update!

20 Aug 2017 2621

Sorry to kept you waiting.

It went pretty well. I guess. Had a hard time with it.

You shouldn't underestimate this. Because when I do... BANG ! JANUS 1.0 !


You need to be calm to win this. And this will be a satisfy one when you win.

  • Things I think I can change
  1. Janus 1.0 is very OP. If you have only 2 cycles like me I think this need to change. Because it's almost guarantee your lost when you face it.

  2. Inazuma sometimes are clunky. (Being innermost piece ICE) So I can change it to another ICE.