Milk Aesop's Moose

xclement 53

Tired of all the strange things you have to do as a runner, like DLR decking your opponent or Hyperdrive Keyhole his RnD? Tired of playing runner and just waiting for your winning combo before you run? Just want to run the old fashion way on the right server? Then play Milk Aesop's Moose! Install your icebreakers which are easily found, use Aesop's to trash Cache and Harbinger (twice), let Blood Moose thin out your Heap for even more money. Levy what's left of your stack and have another pile of money waiting for you. Run, Run, Run RnD and win. Indexing your opponents stack, then Rumor Mill them (they won't believe you had 5 influence to play that card), then take all the juicy agendas.

The Net-Shield is an include against Potential Unleash because i ran into that Corp a lot while playtesting. You could play something else, like an ekstra Same Old Thing for Rumor Mill, Indexing, Employee Strike etc.

31 Jul 2017 Xh4rx4d

Love it. I would pilot this all day long. It doesn't even need to care about asset spam. Just dig in in R&D. :)