Dedicated Gamer (4th place Nordics 2017)

BoardRunner 32

I like watching people's faces when I break DNA Tracker or Fairchild 3.0 for 2 credits. This is a strong deck that can quickly pressure either HQ or R&D. However, it is terribly weak to CI, as I found out in the top 8 cut. It went 5-0 in the swiss, and 0-2 in the cut.

27 Aug 2017 Parzival

Was there something wrong with just playing Sifr?

27 Aug 2017 kollapse

@Parzival Sifr only does it once per turn. Dedicated Processor let's you make repeated R&D runs, for example. Same influence as well.

28 Aug 2017 x3r0h0ur

And you can also have the maw effect, its not a bad compliment I suppose.

28 Aug 2017 kollapse

The runner up at the same tourney, Terrificy, also had Dedicated Processor in his Whizz-list, but I think it was a one-off with more Temüjins.

28 Aug 2017 JakeHelms

@kollapse: I was in fact using my influence on 2x Desperado and not Temåujins, sacrificing Glacier match-ups for even better MUs vs. Moons. Considering I played Moons, Sync, Moons, Moons, Moons, it was a pretty good bet.

28 Aug 2017 kollapse

Damnit, I knew that (wrote this comment at 05:00). :)

29 Aug 2017 aero

I am so very happy to see that you put Dedicated Processor to real use. I had used it in Kate with Mimic and Yog imported and it did some work, but it just makes more sense here.

30 Aug 2017 BoardRunner

@aero Yes, I've also tried Kate with Yog/Mimic and it didn't turn out as well as this deck does. But I did like the name "DediKate" :P