A Beautiful Overmind v2

lolpaca 1247

v2 - Added Inside Man, e3, Aesops and Faerie. Faerie partly so I have an answer to Swordsman, but also cos it just works so well with LLDS and Clone Chip. Also removed 3 x Akamatsus, with e3 in there and so much recursion it just felt like overkill.

Comments welcome!

29 Apr 2014 Thike

I like this version much better.

-Is Faerie a better option than Sharphooter?

-Omni-Drive doesn't convince me. Sure, it saves a MU for multiple OM installs, but the extra setup isn't really worth it, and the extra credit is limited in use. If you replace Faerie with Sharpshooter, you could run 3x Cyberfeeder.

-Aesop's is great with OM.

-LLDS isn't seem like you'd get much mileage. Sure, you're installing OM up to 12 times, pre AR Lab, but you don't really get to choose when you get to the boost.

-Same Old Thing would allow you to re-Scavenge your OM even more.

Just thoughts. OM decks have been on my mind a lot recently. My most recent attempt is here: netrunnerdb.com

29 Apr 2014 lolpaca

I think LLDS is worth it - that's kinda what I built the deck around! (and why I've got 3 Replicators.) Remember you can sac & recur a program to itself with Scavenge, so with 3 LLDS out, Scavenge played basically becomes "Refresh Overmind's power counters give it +3 all turn long", which isn't bad for no money and a click. Similar thing with Test Run and Clone Chip, albeit for a bit more money...

It does take a fair bit of setup, but I've run similar LLDS decks before and they're pretty awesome once they get going. What I like about Overmind is that it seems like there's more flexibility for early pressure too - no need to wait til the rig's all set up before you start running, as long as you've got some cash.

I'll definitely consider Sharpshooter, 3 Cyberfeeders for the influence is tempting.... Not totally sold on Omni-Drive either yet, but it has such nice synchronicity with OM that I'd like to give it a try.

30 Apr 2014 lolpaca

Also, I think Levy acts as a more efficient Same Old Thing in this sort of deck. Once the bulk of your hardware's out with the help of Replicator, you're left with a deck that's mostly events - this means you can Levy and enter a serious power phase where you're dropping Sure Gambles, Account Siphons and Scavenges every turn. Not to mention saccing Replicators, Inside Men etc to Aesop's once they're no longer useful.

I originally made this deck thinking "max out MU, get super-powered Overminds", but I think recursion's & refreshing counters is the more efficient option, so I might swap CyberSolutions chips for the much cheaper Akamatsus. This deck's still totally untested btw, but I'm looking forward to trying it out - thanks for your help with it! :)

30 Apr 2014 Yoshuriken

This is one of the most awesome ideas I've ever seen! I do think Self-Modifying Code would be good in this deck, since you'd only play it to either get an Overmind, or after you have Overmind to get Faerie/Sharpshooter. In both these cases SMC won't interfere with Overmind at all.

1 May 2014 lolpaca

Thanks! :) I've considered SMC, it definitely works well in decks like this, but I'm not sure what I'd cut for it. Test Run is my main tutor, but the beauty of SMC is installing programs mid-run... Will also take Thike's advice and try Cyberfeeders over Omni-Drives for a bit. It's all about getting the right balance between power counters & cash I guess.