Puff Pastry (2nd Empire Games SC)

Whizkid 264

All over the place with influence but I think you can get away with fun choices with Anarchs nowadays. Inside Job did some nice work all day. You can change around the pressure tools to whatever you prefer. Bhagat was never installed all day. That slot should be a Slums. Other than that I’m very pleased with this build.

17 Jan 2018 meltedlilacs

I'm disappointed. I clicked on this decklist assuming that it was a MaxX deck running Puffer because of the name.

17 Jan 2018 Whizkid

You have to fold Puff Pasty a bunch of times. So Data Folding pun. Sorry to make you sad.

17 Jan 2018 Whizkid

Puff Pastry has to be folded a bunch of times for it to work so it’s a play on words with Data Folding. Sorry to disappoint.