The Space Jam 5pt Cram Slam

SyIus 23

Did you enjoy the 90's? Does going from 2 points to scoring out in two turns sound fun? Do you enjoy economically crushing your opposition?

Well then...


I call this the Space Jam 5pt Cram Slam. There are a lot of moving parts, and a lot of options, and they combine to make one of the funnest decks I've had the pleasure of playing in a long time.

Here's the game plan:

-Classic asset spam, taxing the runner out hard or reaping the benefits of them not doing so with fun new cards like Urban Renewal and fun old cards like Public Support and Commercial Bankers Group.

-Punish trashes with Wake Up Call and Hard-Hitting News.

-Make money with the Estelle Moon et al. suite.

-Rush out a 2 pointer.

-Prepare to slam.

And here is the optimal SLAM combo:

Get a server set up to hide an agenda behind. This usually works best if you are rushing to this point, but there are plenty of ways to make servers a pain. In hand, you will need a Dedication Ceremony, Hollywood Renovation, and a Project Atlas. Turn one, install Hollywood, dedicate it, and advance it once, using the extra advance from Hollywood to advance a piece of ice. Weather the runner's turn. Turn two, install atlas, advance Hollywood twice, using the three extra advances to score the atlas. Quote Space Jam. Win game.

Now, if this was the only combo, the deck would probably fall pretty short. BUT, there are TONS of different interactions possible. With Reconstruction Contract now available, it is possible to, in a single turn, install Reconstruction, Dedicate it, install Atlas, pop Reconstruction and score out of hand. You can also dedicate a turn early, leave it installed over the runners turn, and score a Hollywood out of hand, install blank and dedicate next turn to score Oaktown Renovation. Alternatively, you can use a dedicated Reconstruction to advance ICE, increasing the threat of Hortum and the barriers.

I'm sure this deck is far from perfect, I haven't been able to test it nearly as much as I'd like, but I wanted to get it out there since I hadn't seen any other decks published with this particular flavor yet! Please, test it out, feel the slam, and come back with comments and suggestions!

BONUS: Good quotes for when you finally decide to SLAM!!!

-"Too bad you can't practice getting taller, boys!"

-"Are there any areas, other than [Netrunner], that you find yourself...unable to perform?"

-"Not real? If I weren't real, could I do THIS?"

-"But Mommy, I don't want to go to school today. I wanna stay home and bake cookies with you!"

-"(In Taz voice) Lemony Fresh"