
Fl3xbyts 3

The goal of this deck is to score some agendas early if possible, and to not worry too much about the Runner. Just play a regular game of Netrunner: - protect your centrals with Data Raven, Guttenberg and Pop Up Windows. - create 1 remote with a Data Raven or Thoth. This can allow you to score a Quantum Predictive Model if the Runner runs it because they will be tagged. - get rich from Hedge Fund, IPO and NGO Front. Pop Up Window surprisingly nets a chunk of cash.

Around the mid-game, once they've scored 1-2 Global Food Initiatives, you then start to play the swapsies game: - SEA Source + Exchange of Information - An Offer You Can't Refuse + Exchange of Information

An Offer You Can't Refuse has been a surprisingly good card. Choose a central server that has a Thoth in it, and you either guarantee a tag on the Runner so you can Exchange of Information, OR they give you the 1 agenda point, bringing you one step closer to victory.

The Snares are in the deck to help protect R&D and HQ. It sometimes creates a scoring window because the Runner spends the rest of their turn drawing and clearing the tag. For Runners who run last click, this is another source of tagging the Runner to play swapsies with (Exchange of Information) on your turn.

This list has generated me enough money to do everything I need. If I find myself needing more credits, I might look at adding 1-2 Melange Mining Corp. I have considered maybe switching my influence around for some Fast Advance Tools (Biotic Labor), but it's so expensive and I'm worried that Clot is very common in Runner decks.

I will continue to share updates to my list as I play it.