Spring Break 2077! Sun's out, guns out!

SpyofGeneralTso 2

Warning: Jank ahead

Are you on the cutting edge of Jinteki messing up your day with net damage?

Are you jealous of Infinite Frontiers with their massive HQ buildings where you cannot seem to find anything?

Do you just want to not care anymore?

I have an answer for you!


Don't care at all. Go to the beach.

Soak in some rays.

Sure, you may not exactly get that Vitamin-D because, you know... Android, but CLONES ARE PEOPLE TOO

How it should run: Net Chip, Adjusted Chronotype, and Beach Party are all for the sole purpose of making your hand size McLargeHuge. This gives you the ability to jank your way through brain, net, and meat damage. Recursion is available in Same Old Thing and Levy AR Lab Access so it's not a (total) loss.

When you get a decent hand size (8+), and you're low on things to do, Game Day is there. Drop it, pick up 20% of your deck. There's enough money and mem to go around to keep you somewhat supplied (I really dig Multithreader in this regard.)

Currently weak against: Komainu, Tag decks, Scorpios if they RFG your breakers.

(I wanted to put in the Conspiracy Anarch Icebreaker suite, but the influence wasn't there.)

And yes, I am thinking about taking this to a tournament, just to be "that guy who brings Jank/doesn't take the game seriously/is soooo dreamy/whatever".

3 Mar 2018 CactusJack

May the schwartz be with you!