New Blinging NBN

MisterMonocle 269

Tags. You love 'em, those damned Runners hate 'em. Knowing who's who and who's where is right up NBN's alley, letting them spend s to conveniently get those darned connections in jail and locations under surveillance.

To help with that we have the beautiful Bernice Mai to punish any Runner thinking about stealing our precious agendas. Speaking of agendas, noone can resist the lure of sweet, sweet Bitcoin, and once they get their sticky fingers on that, we have 'em. You can protect it with Data Raven, all but guaranteeing one tag, and maybe getting another one too. Ghost Branch can potentially give the Runner more tags than they can deal with, and Snare! can tag the Runner from (almost) anywhere. If none of those work, maybe a SEA Source can get you the info you need.

Once you get those tags, you gotta put 'em to use. Trashing resources is fine, but few things can be as crippling as a Closed Accounts. If they stop bothering to remove tags (On account of having so many), Psychographics can score cards out of nowhere. Furthermore, a Dedicated Response Team and Private Security Force can be hired once you know where the Runner's hiding.

You may have noticed that a lot of these cards have trace. This can help tax the Runner, and with 2 coming from your ID, odds are when you really want that trace to stick, it will. Of course, given that the Runner can pay their way out of traces, it's not exactly foolproof, buuuuut... It's all in an effort to run them into the ground, right?

Oh, and Tollbooth is in your faction.

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