See You, Net Cowboy

Ensu 279

How would you like to spend a click to draw two cards, gain $5, and put a counter on Turning Wheel?

You want to keep the corp poor. You want to work VERY hard to make them poor. Facecheck ICE (and get paid). Use the birds to derez expensive ICE, run it again (and get paid). Drop an Au Revoir or three. Make a run. Jack out. Get paid. Find a piece of ICE you know the corp can't rez. Put a Kyuban on it. Run it (get paid), jack out (get paid), and load up that Turning Wheel.

Daredevil gives you the mem you need and it draws you cards while you make shallow runs past a single piece of ICE over and over and over again every turn.

This is a fun deck. Pretty brutal against most corps. It feels great once you crack open a weak point - gaining two cards, four turning wheel tokens, and $16 is a pretty good way to spend a turn. Once you secure an advantage, you can usually keep widening the gap.

I almost exclusively play Shaper, so this deck could probably be a bit better. I'm not sure what the good crim cards are. I've played this deck a few times, and the Rip Deal doesn't seem to be pulling its weight. More expose might be good. I'm really thinking about putting in a couple Inflitrations, but something that lets me interact with the ICE more might be better.