Do Androids Dream of Electric Laambs?

manicmoleman 497

This is by no means a well honed Adam deck; I built it after Whispers in Nalubaale was released and I'm publishing it alongside a review of the data pack on Creaking Shelves.

It's a lot of fun to pilot, relying on Laamb to give Adam the aggression he needs to steal Agendas in the early game. In the late game, hopefully you've got your Data Foldings going and can use Logic Bombs to force your way into the remote, while using Find the Truth to snipe Agendas from R&D. The basic plan is to get Laamb installed as soon as possible, with Multithreaders and RNG Key to make running R&D as cheap as possible.

Adjusted Matrix may seem like a strange include, but is kind of like Always Be Running without the downside and lets you use up clicks before you Logic Bomb. I rarely install it, but it can always be used for Emergent Creativity fodder and gives you another breaker against Skorp decks. On the subject of Emergent Creativity, it alone enables this Shaper / toolbox style build with Misdirection and one-of breakers.

In terms of which Directives to use, you nearly always want Safety First, Find the Truth, and Neutralize All Threats. The only time you want Always Be Running is against Skorp decks, and potentially NEXT Design rush decks.

13 Nov 2018 Cluster Fox

Looks pretty solid, and A+ deck name.

13 Nov 2018 manicmoleman

@Cluster Fox Thanks! I had a stupid grin on my face for quite a while after coming up with the name.