Wau Revoir

ZomB 88

This is the deck I was planning to take to Euros, and decided not to. I do however think it is a very strong version of the concept. Wau revoir's greatest weakness is an early game ice lock out on all servers, it is also dependent on enough MU to get going before it is too late. With that in mind and with lots of testing the deck became focused on breaking an early game lock and working on low MU. Pelangi became the 1 MU ice painter for the early to mid game, and Armitage and Stimhack became the tools to provide enough credits to break an ice lock on low MU. Note that this deck is unexpectedly difficult to pilot optimally against knowledgeable opponents with decks that potentially could beat you. However with optimal play this deck can break an ice lock and slowly grind an opponent down, though this may cause you time issues. So in summary it has good long games against solid opponents and just wins against about one third of opponents. It struggles against upgrade heavy ice decks.