Philo Race

Jcree8 63

This is the basic shell of my Philo race deck. Surprisingly does ok if your up to just a coin flip race really. I've been playing PE for a long time and wonder what's making it good right now? Well really nothing to be honest it's about the same as always I think the only thing keeping runners off guard is you can jam just about any card in PE now. To be honest it was always like that then the days of levy in every goddamn deck put an end to that but enough about those days to the present. Sting is a champion in this deck it combos very well if you can sneak one onto the board and advance it. You can also fast track it up and make people burn things like no one home. You can honestly do double digit net damage with this deck but not likely. Sneak out a future is now and grab the philo or even voter or some other piece. Decks a lot of fun to try to combo out the philo. The deck absolutely folds to tech trader decks just trading in every agenda-stargate is pretty rough as well. It's almost impossible for people not to rack up 6 or 7 agendas and be on like 2-3 points. The basic combo is biotic/fast track-philo/trick/advance win.