Punitive Medicine v2.0

Thike 1203

Either score 6 points, or punitive the runner to win. Shi Kyu forces the runner to score half of your agendas to win, whereas you only need two.

I've never played Jinteki before, so the previous build's ICE was just dumb. Here's I've tried to give it some thought. Roto and Himitsu prevent an early lucky score. There are no early game code gates, allowing us to surprise the runner with Inazumas to reinvigorate our earlier ICE. Shiro allows you to hide Punitives if you want it to be a surprise, or show them if you want to use the threat. It can also give you a Punitive window if you're ready for it. Susan is good PriReq fodder, and can give you a nice scoring server, if you want to go that route. Pup taxes the runner, as does Komainu.

Mushin is great for setting up game point. If you have a Punitive, and place a nice damaging piece of Ice in front of an agenda, it's a win-win for you. And hilarious if you get it off with a GRNDL.

Would love some feedback, again because of my lack of experience in Jinteki.