j4 69

The worst show on television.

23 Jan 2020 Skandrino

Nice idea with Flame-Out! Not sure about The Artist though (just an inefficient card it seems)? What about Hernando Cortez for a better unique connection (removing a Hostage or Boomerang)?

23 Jan 2020 j4

@Skandrino cheers! In my experience The Artist pays herself off in no time at all. She might seem redundant as the second ability provides the same discount for all the 2 installs as Paule's, but even after you're fully set up, you end up installing Chameleons and Boomerangs for known targets over and over again, so the second discount per turn comes into play often. And that's on top of clicking for 2 which is always good. She's certainly not a priority to put down on the table, but a solid card nonetheless, both when setting up and for the late-game grind.

I will try out Hernando either way. I tested a version with him and Peace in Our Time for the synergy but I really dislike that card, might end up liking him more on his own.