Gnat Takes a Trip

tehepicwin 190

Gnat's skipping school, and will show y'all how to get rich. Don't have time for a job, or to cash in on your account? Take some amps. Surveyor ruining your day? Stimhack will fix that real quick. Gnat doesn't care for brain damage 'cause it's just a 0MU Rezeki at the end of the day, so you shouldn't care either.

Liberally use the amp clicks and stimhacks. Zer0, guinea pig, or the other brain damage from the other amps/stims will trash them sooner or later if you don't. You plan on ending most turns at 2 or fewer cards, so the brain damage isn't an issue. If you come across Obokatas, Snares, or Fetals, you lose. But when you're just a kid like Gnat, you don't plan on winning everything anyway.

Engolo will get you through most things, and hopefully you'll dig through most of your stack so that you'll have MKUltra and Paperclip once barriers and sentries start getting stacked.

Gnat quite regularly runs through the entire stack, probably too often. That's why Trope is in there. It's a pretty clunky card, but when you run out of cards, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Maybe an Imp can fit in here, although it's not clear what it should replace. Gnat sometimes has the unfortunate experience of getting hit with missiles, EMPs, and building detonations. He is very unlikely to survive such brutality, especially once his brain decays to half functionality, so perhaps Imp would give him a fighting chance.