Professor Ready For Anything

Pinkwarrior 2342

I feel that the professor was an interesting id but lacking cards to make actually useful, however i think that now hes becoming more viable so i thought id build a deck for him.

Keyhole, Imp and Deus X are in to make short work of key cards and punish high trap Jinteki players, no fear of junebug with 3 counters on when you have a Deus X.

Nerve and medium allow R&D and HQ punishment.

Djinn is an obvious choice here allowing you to look for what ever virus you feel you need at the time.

2 different breaker suites plus Femme, Knight and sneakdoor for good measure.

Scavenge is a key card in this deck as it dose so much for you. allows testrun combo play, transitioning from one breaker suite to another, reusing imps / moving Femme tokens, or a seudo clone chip with something you no longer need.

Diesel, Quality Time & Express lowers your reliance on testrun's & SMC's and work well with freelance.

Freelance... now this was originally sure gamble as i don't like free lance but it seems right here so i swapped them over (begrudgingly).

Toolbox what can i say its amazing, 2MU is needed in here 2 link helps alot as-well and free creds is always nice. as much as i like desparado this is a better fit (which is good cos i couldn't have it in here if i wanted to)

Same old thing great card but sadly was last on my hit list of cards to put in otherwise id take 3.

1 major flaw i feel this deck has is a major reliance on opus for cash. id like to put pro contacts in but currently i feel i need everything that's in it maybe i will find something that i can trade out as i test the deck more.

Feel free to comment

25 Jun 2014 TipsyGamer

Since you're running The Toolbox, you could consider Underworld Contacts for credits. Might not be quite Opus money, but it's click-free once your console is out

25 Jun 2014 Pinkwarrior

@TipsyGamer Could be worth trying, only problem is their dead cards till the toolbox is up.