Underworld Overmind

DemonDactyl 6

Totally untested. Basic idea is a couple beneficial interactions. The deck might not want a second Capstone.

The high link protects you from traces when you have a spinal modern.

Helpful AI helps you manipulate Atman.

The cloud icebreakers free MU for Overmind.

The S&W is there because I like the card and I find Caprice annoying.

9 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

If you're going to spend 3 on MU, get omnidrive, its better than dyson IMO, since you're already hoping to hostage for helpful AI to get UWC going. They basically make atman breaks free, and it can host any of your breakers. Sure you have to install in order, but oh well, I'd slot scavenge anyway. I made nearly this exact deck, only I used doubles and SFC lol