CT's Toybox iii

daytodave 1218

This deck is fun to play, and so far wins more than half the time barring mistakes.

There's no server I can't get into with MO + SMC + Clone Chip, and that's really the secret to this deck. Never build more of the rig than you need. Try to run at least once every turn. With Deus X and Sharpshooter in your stack (or heap with clone chip) there is no ice that can hurt you, and if you're worried about traps just jack out after you force the corp to access. Once MO is out, Sharpshooter allows you to be incredibly aggressive while you wait for them to make you get a rig. By this time you've scored 1-4 points and trashed some of their economy. If you can run enough to get you both down to 0 credits and trash an asset that's a very good day, since you'll just take 8 next turn.

Nerve agent is mostly there to spread ice out. If they go heavy on HQ start Indexing, vice versa with R&D.

Try to always Dino the Fem, but don't be afraid to put it down on your rig and Scavenge it later. Final rig is Dino-Fem, MO, Corroder, Torch, and whichever utility program you need most. Against Jinteki it's Deus X, against Weyland and NBN it's usually Imp to kill the scorched combo pieces from hand, against HB it's an Imp that often gets trashed for Deus X to break Heimdall x.0 cheaply, but I've also brought out the second Fem on the one occasion when HB got enough money together to rez a Janus.