The Foundry Tax

Zmiotek 1

A deck using The Foundry as an ID, I really think it can compete with ETF. The main idea is that with heavy ICE tutoring one can set-up a maximum of 7 NEXT ICE, which equates 7 str code-gates and 7 sub barriers. Jackson is here mainly for ICE recursion, as Silvers are vulnerable to parasites and for general J.How awesomness. Levy is for tutoring for the first copy of any ICE (testing will prove if one is enough). Amazon Industrial Zone permits us to tutor for ICE every turn, not just every runner turn. The Root is the biggest unknow here, it looks great on paper but i wasn't able to truly test it. ELP is just a nice, taxing current, which lets me get rid of annoying runner currents. The goal here is to tax runner as hard as possible, just as in famous Red Coats. Hope you like it!