This deck is a confession that when left to my own devices, I will not play goodstuff, or a well tuned deck, but one that has all my favorite cards -- amani, bladderwort, ablative, WW. Exciting first tournament with a deck I had built!
The plan is to play control, to pick danger cards out of the runner's hand as often as possible-- bladderwort, hostile, shock, HoK, even mav can all be prickly and steal cards. Despite rashida as the restricted include, this deck is quite fragile economically, and faltered facing a DoF Geist (although I may have misplayed by not shooting down doofs as often as I should)..
It's quite fun to pilot, even if its a pile that can barely FA, can't even threaten kills, lacks card draw, dies to whizzard... Sadly I never got to play Allele Repression as I had to drop midway through due to being hungover >< Until this tournament, I had never known the glee that is a poisoned archives
Potential includes: Turtlebacks, mayyybe even FroCo (suggestions made by the illustrious jan tuno), the other Chronos Protocol in the tournament seemed to use Mumba Temple to great effect
30 Jan 2025
Lovely :)