Mandatory Suicide

vvribeiro 816

Prevent the runner from breaking your Bullfrog and throw him into a Cerebral Overwriter with Port Anson Grid.

Inazuma + RSVP should help you win the Psis and even prevent the runner from stealing Fetal AI, but taking the net damage.

In the end, if the combo doesn't show, this deck has a lot of Psi and annoying ice, along with Mushin No Shin mindgames and net damage. Anyway, Jinteki fun.

Of course this could be a Jinteki: Personal Evolution deck, but why not try a different approach?

12 Oct 2014 Exo

I REALLY like it. I was wondering how it could be possible to make this ID work in some way but with Mamba/Cerebral Imaging/Port Anson Grid it can be a lot surprising. I think that I would replace the shock! for Psychic Field.It could actually kill someone with 2 Mamba token.

12 Oct 2014 vvribeiro

Shock! is there to prevent multiple runs on archives when the runner knows there's a The Future Perfect on the trash.

12 Oct 2014 Exo

Do you played a lot of game with it right now? Because I find Inazuma and RSVP is a lot of conditional ICE for a deck. Even more because you run Bullfrog who eventually going to become the outermost piece of ICE as you move it around.

12 Oct 2014 vvribeiro

I haven't tried the deck yet, just had the spark. I know Inazuma and RSVP are too conditionals, but all my other ice are Psi. So, if the runner can't spend more credits, I win. I'll try this deck as soon as I get Up and Over. But the idea looks good.

12 Oct 2014 Exo

Yeah I really like the idea you got there, grats for it! I made a deck from what you inspired me. This is a very different approach but I have kept in mind your idea. I am posting it right away if you want to look at it :).

13 Oct 2014 Diegofsv

Its a good idea but need refining. Like Exo said, there is too much conditional ICE for too little psi ICE. You will suffer too much in the early game because you are pushing your luck too much. The eco is almost good, but this deck suffers way too much for any account siphon. Either way, it a good start indeed.