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New Zealand Nationals 2016 | #8 of 21 | R31NM4N |
Play Hard-Hitting News and win the game because that's how that card works. Localized product line can get anything, so just find whatever ends the game quickest.
Reversed accounts over sansan because it's a bigger econ swing if it goes off and HHN works best when the runner is poor.
Celeb gift is filler influence, but the rest of the card slots really pull their weight so it's hard to make a cut.
8 Aug 2016
8 Aug 2016
less ice: ice doesn't really matter in the long run, threat of hhn stops most runs early and the agenda suite makes them worse later. Agendas: QPM is mandatory against decks running networking, as raven qpm is how you win against them, 3 food gives you good eoi targets and makes your density next to nothing, 1 beale because you don't have sansans and it's only really there for fast track -> psychographics lines LPL: best card in the deck, any deck that can afford 3 influence should play this Reversed Accounts: HHN is better when they're poor, this either baits a run or makes them poor, fills the same role of sansan without having to spend 6+ credits to get them to run and 0 inf cost The rest is pretty standard so if there's something else you're not sure of let me know |
9 Aug 2016
Nice call on the Reversed Accounts. I've been playing a Spark deck recently built on the same principle as your deck here: keep them poor to punish with HHN and profit. The RA has been doing an immense amount of work in that regard. This definitely feels faster and more resilient to econ denial, though. I'll give this a spin! How was the Cyberdex for you on the day? As you play so little ICE and no SanSan means less FA, I'd assume it's mostly Medium defense? |
9 Aug 2016
@clercqie: medium protection, run bait, and the occasional clost @anduril66: agenda slots are super tight and I'd have to give up something super powerful to fit in a point, and then it's competing with tgtbt, more beales and napd contracts/exploda. All the agendas really pull their weight though, and I never felt in need of money |
14 Aug 2016
consulting visit was changed to lpl after 1 use, I think you really want the 3 hhn though |
Wow some very unexpected cards in here. Are any of these choices meta calls, or would you consider this list pretty optimal for most metas right now? I consider you the SYNC authority, well done on the placing. Personally was rooting for you and Noah