Your Average Neighbourhood Arissana [1st @ Naarm Startup CO]

TheYoungJacobi 27

Dudeydude list from Aus Nats, but followed the advice of more Window of opportunity.

Deck started as an Egret loving umbrella spam but letting corp draw too often is just not good. So we switched to Unity and maxed out the muse coalescence aesops and applied from there.

Deck went 3-1 overall losing to PD. Money is infinite so you can challenge a lot early and Archers only cost 5 post threat 4, Docklands was useful as I got to see myself lose to double seamless, moving forward i would really like a Boi tata. Card is underrated.

Thanks to Dudeydude and Leckermadchen for helping me learn and test the decks and for introducing me to the Melbourne community, and can't wait for my 2nd event!