Executive Time

HikerGamerReaderSpy 1

This is a dumb deck that has been decently fun to play over lunch. You win by FA-ing agendas with Trick of Light, or sneaking them out from play. There are already a lot of improvements that I want to make to the deck, that I'll mention later.

Tennin Institute causes the runner run. Every turn. Whether or not it's a good idea. Constantly. This deck tries to take advantage of that instinct.

Archives: Get it as full as possible of Shock!s, Space Camps, and Shi.Kyu's. If it's ever so full of junk that the runner doesn't want to touch it, we have a single copy of Susanoo to send them that way. Never ice this.

R&D: We want this to be as nasty as possible to probe. Snare seemed too expensive for this deck, so we rely on Shock!, Chrysalis, and Fetal AI to make it painful to probe R&D.

HQ: Keep Shi.Kyu's and Space Camps in hand unless you think they'd be better on the board.

Remotes: The runner will run at any remote that is safe, so our goal is to not have any. All of our assets are either traps, or can be destroyed mid-run to prevent a successful run.

Ice: Cheap to rez, annoying to break. Ice Wall exists to protect a remote and as a cheap place to have advancement tokens for Trick of Light.

Of special note here are our executive team: Mark Yale, Jackson Howard, and Thomas Haas.

Mark Yale is, at worst, credit neutral: install + 1 to rez gets you 2 credits for a free trash. The goal is to do much better, though. House of Knives is an amazing source of agenda counters, and you can net 10 credits off of him instantly with one scored. (3 per agenda counter, 2 to trash, -1 to rez). Keep him on the board and pray he's not run (or advance him with Tennin to discourage running).

Jackson Howard will be killed the second he pops up, so I try to rez + overdraw to pitch Shocks and Agendas into the bin. Crack him as soon as he's run to prevent a successful run.

Thomas Haas is interesting. On the face he is legitimately worthless (or worth -2 credits): Click to install and one to rez already puts us in the hole, but a click / credit for advancement nets... two credits. What's the point? The point is that you can advance him for free with Tennin or any of the shipments. He's great for staying mostly credit neutral, but it gives you a free bank for Trick of Light tokens. Sticking him behind ice makes it still worthless for you, but cost something to run.

A few changes I already know I want to make:

  • Lose the PAD Campaigns and the Melange Mining Corp.
  • Maybe change the agenda suite: Nisei's are really hard to score, and Fetal AI's are worse. Genetic Resequencing isn't too bad if you have Mark Yale, but could something else be better?
  • We have a LOT of sentries on the ice. I think this can be improved.
  • Maybe even change the ID? Tennin encourages blind running but would they do that anyway? I've only played two games but I've only had it fire once. Hard to say on this one. Replicating Perfection or even PE might do more work here.

All in all this deck probably sucks but is buckets of fun to pilot, so far.


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