Ebb and Floe v1.2

WardOfTheWoods 710

Next upgrade of my previous glacier build. Tossed out the Biotics and various operations to make room for more assets. Shuffled around the influence to add some big ICE into the mix like Flare and Inazuma to punish unprepared runners. I feel like the econ is more solid now, and the ICE is just as easy to rez as before thanks to Executive Boot Camp. Also made room for Ash to protect scoring servers as well as R&D if necessary. Added in Peak Efficiency as a 2x because it's astounding for my mid-late game since at worst I will have 4-5 ICE rezzed and at best I can have upwards of 9-10, which can be a huge credit swing in order to rez the big ICE and still advance agendas. I also changed the agendas around, keeping the same density but removing an ABT for a second NAPD for more taxation and the Priority Req for Utopia Fragment for even more taxation.